10 April 2011

reinvention. really?

what was I thinking?  this reinvention stuff is hard.  reinvention is stupid.  i promised a funny post, well this isn’t going to be that one.  i’d rather whine with wine for now.

okay, okay, so it’s not that bad (sobs in the background). 

learning new things, new office space, new concepts, new hierarchy’s in an organization is interesting.  in my old world, i was an expert.  i didn’t consider myself an expert, but 15 to 20 years of experience in the same field of study lends itself to expert status.  answering questions and making decisions in my old world was as natural and easy to me as brushing my teeth. 

in my new world, i made 32L of coffee my first week, carrying it from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor & was barely capable of doing it.  not so much of an expert in my new world, to say the least. 

this new world requires creative thought & strategy and managing the land mines of academia, whatever that means.  i’m not real good at managing land mines, keeping sacred cows and the like.  i like to blow up the status quo, roast the sacred cows (literally, have you heard of 2011 Bovinova?), challenge the way things have always been done, you know the type…the type you hate the first day they show up to work. 

that’s me, party of one, all alone in the corner…for now.

lucky for me the band of #instigators have supported me this week and held my self esteem afloat.

hopefully, during my second week, people will see me as the fun-loving, hard-working, perfectionist…no, wait, not that one…damn perfectionism…hopefully, they’ll see me as the fun-loving, hard-working, let’s all do this together and it doesn’t have to be THAT perfect to roast it like the sacred cow it is…uh oh, looks like I’m in trouble for the second week too.

oh well, this reinvention will happen, it may not all be blogged and slogged or vlogged or whatever, but parts of it will be roasted, to a nice medium rare & served with a delicious red.  reinvention is not stupid, it's necessary.  cheers.


  1. It's about time you posted again! Hope it gets better everyday. I miss your shake em up personality...great minds think alike! Nothing to shake around here. Just hanging out and letting the days pass. We need to get together for coffee or wine with whine soon. Keep your head up and I know you will be making your mark in no time!
