28 December 2010

my very first post

really, they let just anybody do this? like all things social, I'm a dive-right-in kind of chick, mistakes will be made. if you made it this far, thanks.

i have this affinity for lists, so it's natural for me to start with one for my very first post.

a few truths (or dares) I learned over the 2010 holidays

1. the status of our health is important, work at well-being, it's time well spent (outside of a hospital)

2. gifts are not important, acts of service is what it's all about & not just during Christmas, but especially during Christmas

3. the amount of baking you do will be proportionate to the size of your ass the day after Christmas...lots of baking, lots of ass

4. follow your heart & if it seems to be out of whack, lock yourself in the bathroom until you can talk to your family like a sane person

5. a double-dog dare is not as big as a triple-dog dare & any action beginning with 'watch this' should be a video for YouTube, then a website, then a book, then a movie...cha-ching. seriously? dare me, you won't see a video here.

6. when you refer to your best friend as 'that hooker' your Mom will not understand, ever

and if you are still awake at this point, I'm impressed, like you, i hope this gets better with age, wine or shine

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